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Terza settimana di novembre: dall’album ERIC WOOLFSON’S POE – MORE TALES OF MYSTERY AND IMAGINATION (2003), c’è una traccia : “The murders in the Rue Morgue”, scritta, suonata. cantata da Eric Woolfson, con una parte narrata di Steve Balsamo.
Al post aggiungo, infine, un video molto bello che parla di Eric Woolfson e di quest’album, nel quale  vedrete anche Eric parlare dell’album e della collaborazione di Steve Balsamo.
Mario Benenati

Estraggo da QUESTA PAGINA ( del 2006, purtroppo non più esistente, questo testo molto interessante:

<< Il fascino e la passione con il mondo di Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) iniziò per Eric Woolfson più di trenta anni fa, e condusse alla creazione dell'”Alan Parsons Project” ed al primo album, “Tales of mystery and imagination – Edgar Allan Poe“, del 1976. All’epoca Woolfson aveva in mente l’idea di realizzare un sequel di “Tales”, ma il cambio di etichetta discografica portò il “Project” verso altre direzioni.Diversi anni dopo era giunto il momento di ritornare a parlare di Poe (o “Eddy”, come lo chiamavano i suoi amici), ed il primo risultato di ciò è stato un musical on stage ed una versione in concerto di “Poe” che racconta la storia della sua vita straordinaria e dei suoi lavori.
Almeno la metà delle canzoni del musical potevano senz’altro costituire la base per un possibile seguito di “Tales”, e così, dopo un certo lavoro preliminare nello studio privato di Woolfson, lo stesso Woolfson è tornato ai leggendari Abbey Road Studios per completare “Poe – More tales of mystery and imagination”.
Nel corso delle registrazioni Woolfson ha avuto l’immensa fortuna di conoscere Steve Balsamo (già cantante per Andrew Lloyd Webber). La sua voce degna di nota porta le tracce ad un livello mai provato prima, ma è necessario dar conto anche degli altri musicisti (Ralph Salmins e Ian Thomas alla batteria, Laurence Cottle al basso – già visto in “Gaudi” e in “Freudiana“, John Parricelli alle chitarre, lo stesso Eric Woolfson, Simon Chamberlain – ottimo arrangiatore orchestrale – e Haydn Bendall – già presente nei musical “Gaudi” e “Gambler” – alle tastiere, ancora Haydn Bendall e Austin Ince per il sequencing, Martin Ditcham e Ralph Salmins alle percussioni, e il violino irlandese suonato da Dermot Crehan), cantanti e tecnici del suono che hanno reso possibile creare un sequel che ne valesse la pena.

Questo disco include alcuni dei racconti più famosi di Poe, ma anche qualche fugace visione di episodi della sua vita, una vita che in molti casi è stata ben più bizzarra e angosciata rispetto alle sue opere letterarie.>>.

Estraggo, invece da QUESTA PAGINA ( non più esistete , a cura di Francesco Ferrua, queste righe:

<<Per questa impresa Eric ha deciso di puntare esclusivamente su brani nuovi, lasciando da parte remake di vecchi brani del Project (abitudine presa, invece, per i precedenti musical) e di sfruttare il richiamo del famoso Progetto solo nel titolo e nelle intenzioni che questo nuovo lavoro rappresenti una sorta di seguito all’album di debutto dell’Alan Parsons Project. L’album ha la peculiarità che un soloVocalist principale: Steve Balsamo, balzato in quegli anni agli onori negli ambienti musicali dopo aver lavorato con Andrew Lloyd Webber, al quale si affiancano Fred Johanson e lo stesso Woolfson, impegnato nel brano The Murders In The Rue Morgue. Un’orchestra di quaranta elementi ed un coro di ottanta completano il tutto.>>


9. The murders in the Rue Morgue (4:35)

Lead vocal: Eric Woolfson, narrazione: Steve Balsamo

I delitti della Rue Morgue” è il titolo italiano del primo romanzo poliziesco di Poe, che fa apparire il primo investigatore-segugio della storia, C. Auguste Dupin, il quale poi sarà l’ispirazione per i racconti di Sherlock Holmes circa sessanta anni dopo. Anche qui, la storia è abbastanza nota: un delitto apparentemente irrisolvibile, la porta chiusa dall’interno e la scena del crimine è un appartamento ad un piano molto alto. Il colpevole però non è il maggiordomo…


Third week of November: extract from the album ERIC WOOLFSON’s POE-MORE TALES OF MYSTERY AND IMAGINATION (2003), a trace: The murders in the Rue Morgue “, written and performed by Eric Woolfson, sung by Eric, with one part narrated by Steve Balsamo.
Add a very nice video that talks about Eric Woolfson and this album, there you will see also Eric talk about the album and the collaboration of Steve Balsamo. 
Mario B.

foto del fascicolo dell'album ERIC WOOLFSON'S POE - MORE TALES OF MYSTERY AND IMAGINATION (2003)

Extract from this page of 2006 this text very interesting:
<<The fascination and passion with the world of Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) began for Eric Woolfson more than thirty years ago, and led to the creation of ‘”Alan Parsons Project” and the first album, “Tales of Mystery and Imagination – Edgar Allan Poe “, 1976. At the time, Woolfson had in mind the idea of a sequel to “Tales”, but the change of record label brought the “Project” in other directions.Several years later it was time to return to speak of Poe (or “Eddie,” as his friends called him), and the first result of this was a musical on stage and a concert version of “Poe” which tells the story of his extraordinary life and his work.At least half of the songs of the musical certainly could form the basis for a possible sequel to “Tales”, and so, after some preliminary work in private practice Woolfson, Woolfson has returned to the same legendary Abbey Road Studios to complete ” Poe – More Tales of Mystery and Imagination “.During the recordings Woolfson had the immense good fortune to meet Steve Balsamo (formerly lead singer Andrew Lloyd Webber). His voice brings noteworthy tracks to a level never experienced before, but you must give an account of the other musicians (Ralph Salmins and Ian Thomas on drums, Laurence Cottle on bass – have already seen in “Gaudi” and “Freudiana” John Parricelli on guitars, Eric Woolfson himself, Simon Chamberlain – great orchestral arranger – and Haydn Bendall – already present in the musical “Gaudi” and “Gambler” – keyboards, even Haydn Bendall and Austin Ince for sequencing, and Martin Ditcham Ralph Salmins on percussion, and violin played by Irish Dermot Crehan), singers and sound engineers who have made it possible to create a sequel that is worth it.This disc includes some of the most famous tales of Poe, but also some glimpse of episodes of his life, a life that in many cases was far more bizarre and anguished than his literary works.>>.

Extract instead of, edited by Francesco Ferrua, these lines:

<<For this company, Eric has decided to focus exclusively on new songs, let alone remakes of old tracks of the Project (custom made, however, for the previous musicals) and exploit the popular appeal of the project only in the title and intention that This new work represents a sort of debut album followed dell’Alan Parsons Project.
The album has the peculiarity that a main soloVocalist: Steve Balsamo, jumped in those years the honors in the music world after working with Andrew Lloyd Webber, which can be matched to the same Fred Johanson and Woolfson, engaged in song The Murders In The Rue Morgue. An orchestra of forty elements and a chorus of eighty complete the experience.>>

9. The Murders in the Rue Morgue (4:35)

Lead vocal: Eric Woolfson, narration: Steve Balsamo

“The Murders in the Rue Morgue” is the Italian title of Poe’s first detective novel, which brings up the first investigator of the story-hound, C. Auguste Dupin, who then will be the inspiration for the Sherlock Holmes stories about sixty years later. Here too, the story is fairly well known: a seemingly insoluble crime, the door locked from the inside and the crime scene is an apartment at a very high level. The culprit, however, is not the butler …

Foto di Steve Balsamo

Lyrics of The Murders in the Rue Morgue

(Extra, extra, read all about it!)

They found another victim but she’s barely alive

(Murder! Murder!)
She must have known who done it but she didn’t survive
(Murder! Murder!)
There might have been a dozen, but they think there’s only two
(Murder! Murder! Read all about it!)
They might have spoken Russian but we haven’t got a clue

Murder, murder, in the Rue Morgue!
Murder, murder!
Murder, murder, in the Rue Morgue!
Murder, murder!

They didn’t force the windows and they didn’t break the doors
(Murder! Murder!)
There’s blood upon the celing and a razor on the floor
(Murder! Murder!)
Somebody heard an argument, somebody heard a crash
(Murder! Murder!)
They didn’t touch the jewelry, they didn’t steal the cash
They broke up all the funiture, smash smash smash!

Murder, murder, in the Rue Morgue!
Murder, murder!
Murder, murder, in the Rue Morgue!
Murder, murder!

By a process of deduction I have come to the conclusion
The crime is not committed, and the murder an illusion
The body’s a reality and not destroyed by spirits
But whatever must have happened, it was over in minutes

Police have got a problem, they don’t know where to look
They need to find a suspect to get them off the hook
Although it’s plainly obvious, they cannot understand
That the criminal was no ordinary man
The perpetrator just slipped through their hands

They found the mother lying in the middle of the room
(Ghastly! Murder!)
The daughter in the chimney stack stuck up like a broom
(Murder! Murder!)
The police are getting nowhere, they don’t know what to do
(Murder! Murder!)
They even asked a psychic, but nothing’s coming through

Murder, murder, in the Rue Morgue!
Murder, murder!
Murder, murder, in the Rue Morgue!
Murder, murder!

They might be still in hiding, they might be on the run
(Murder! Murder!)
They’re trying to find the motive but they’ve only just begun
(Murder! Murder!)
They’ve guarded off the neighborhood, no one can get through
(Murder! Murder!)
They haven’t found a footprint, they haven’t found a shoe
They’re all completely baffled, it’s a fine how-to-do!

Murder, murder, in the Rue Morgue!
Murder, murder!
Murder, murder, in the Rue Morgue!
Murder, murder!

By the clarity of reason I have come to my decision
Though the facts are unequivocal, they tend to blur the vision
An exit was impossible, the lock had not been fiddled
Though the motive was invisible, the riddle was unriddled

In light of comprehension by a process of deduction
We eliminate impossible and end up with instruction
For, sure as my name is Auguste Dupin
The criminal was an orangutan

The animal escaped from the clutches of its master
Who chased him through the town, but the animal was faster
He got in through a window, quite how, it doesn’t matter
Then it found an open razor and alarmed them with a clatter
The ladies must have screamed in their terror and their dread
And it flailed its arms–slash, slash, slash–they were dead!
But the fingerprint it left was by no human hand
For the murderer was an orangutan
Yes the muderer was an orangutan!

Murder, murder, in the Rue Morgue!
Murder, murder!
Murder, murder, in the Rue Morgue!
Murder, murder!

With every possibility the police are off the hook
(Murder! Murder!)
They couldn’t solve the mystery, they want to close the book
(Murder! Murder!)
It might be still in hiding or it might be on the run
(Murder! Murder!)
But then they caught a suspect, their found was nearly done
They thought it was all over then they find another one!

Murder, murder, in the Rue Morgue!
Murder, murder!
Murder, murder, in the Rue Morgue!
Murder, murder!
Murder, murder, in the Rue Morgue!

Lyrics powered by

Foto di Eric Woolfson

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