Nelle prime settimane del 2019, si è fatto un gran parlare dei personaggi di dominio pubblico che sono diventati tali dal’1 gennaio 2019. In merito ho letto l’articolo di Luca Boschi del 31 dicembre 2018; ed il successivo articolo del 9 giugno 2019, . A gennaio, inoltre, avevo trovato questo URL,
dedicato ai personaggi di pubblico dominio apparsi in 3862 numeri, che lo scorso 30 giugno è stato aggiornato, e che ripropongo, con alcune delle numerosissime immagini (416).
Sempre in estate all’interno di un post pubblicato dall’amico Luigi Riggio, sui gruppi “Comicart” “Gli Eremiti Del Pianeta Fumetto :Evoluzione” di facebook, oltre un sano dialogo tra veri appassionati, è saltato fuori anche un altro interessante link,
Mario Benenati,
ideatore dei progetti culturali di Fumettomania Factory
Alla luce dei 2 articoli sopra indicati e del dibattito su FB ho deciso di pubblicare questo articolo: sia perché l’argomento è interessante (aspetto la seconda parte dell’articolo sul blog di Luca Boschi), sia per informare coloro che seguono Fumettomania, ed infine nella speranza che degli studiosi del fumetto come G. Moeri, Dario Janese ed altri, ci possano dare altre informazioni interessanti su un fenomeno che si allargherà nei prossimi anni. ed infine mi piacerebbe che ci fossero degli autori che, mettendosi a studiare uno di tanti personaggi di dominio pubblico, raccogliessero la sfida per raccontarne qualche nuova storia, come hanno fatto Alex Ross (con Project Superpower), ed Alan Moore (con America’s Best e con la League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ).
Inoltre, a luglio (il 17 luglio) il mio amico John Freeman (Editor, writer e studioso del fumetto inglese), ha aggiornato un suo precedente articolo del quale vi incollo qui l’URL, ed un breve passaggio, spiegando bene il discorso del public domain ed indicando anche un altro link (
For a general guide on why Public Domain it is not as simple as it might appear in Europe, check out this article, “Copyright Untangled“, on Medium – note you may have to sign up for a free Medium account to view it.
To find out what is in the Public Domain in the United States visit
Infine, per approfondire l’argomento invito i lettori che ci seguono, oltre a digitare e leggere i due link sopraindicati a fare altrettanto con, un altro importante sito, una “bibbia” del fumetto della Golden Age: il Digital Comic Museum dal quale si possono scaricare moltissimi albi della G.A. e per questo servizio si può versare anche una piccola donazione. Lo consiglio a tutti.
Nella seconda parte, tra qualche settimana, scriverò di alcune realtà italiane che, invece, già da tempo ripubblicano storie della Golden Age, anche di personaggi di pubblico dominio.
Ora vi lascio all’articolo “Public Domain Characters” last edited by Dr_Von_Villain on 06/30/19″.
Buona lettura
Mario B.
1 gennaio 2019:
Oggi ci sono molti personaggi dei fumetti dell’età dell’oro (GOLDEN AGE) che sono diventati di dominio pubblico (Public Domain). Questa è una lista di tali personaggi.
Dopo il successo di Superman e Batman nel 1938, decine di nuovi editori sorsero e scatenarono centinaia di nuovi supereroi sui lettori di fumetti dell’Età dell’Oro (Golden Age). Dopo la fine della seconda guerra mondiale, tuttavia, i supereroi perdettero il favore dei lettori. Così rapidamente come erano arrivati la maggior parte di questi eroi e dei loro editori scomparve. I diritti d’autore (Copyrights) non erano protetti in modo così categorico a quei tempi, e molti di questi personaggi e le loro avventure sono finiti nel dominio pubblico ( Public Domain)
Ciò consente a qualsiasi editore o creatore di utilizzare i personaggi e il materiale originale dell’Età dell’Oro (Golden Age) in qualsiasi modo desiderino.
AC Comics è stato uno dei primi editori a trarre vantaggio da questo, sia ristampando i classici dell’Età dell’Oro sia incorporando questi eroi “dimenticati” anche nel loro nuovo materiale. Altri editori hanno anche preso l’idea e hanno creato nuovi universi con questi personaggi, a volte concentrandosi sui personaggi di una sola compagnia, e altre volte scegliendo i migliori personaggi di diverse società.
Gli editori rappresentati in questo elenco includono:
- Ace
- American Comic Group/ACG
- Ajax-Farrell
- Avon Comics/Realistic
- Better/Nedor/Standard/Pines Publications
- Biro Publishing/Lev Gleason/Comic House
- Centaur Publishing
- Charlton Comics (some titles are not PD)
- Columbia Comics
- Comic Media
- Comics Magazine Company Inc
- Croydon Publishing/Rural Home/Enwil Associates/REWL Publications
- D.S. Publishing/D.X. Publishing/P.L. Publishing (Canada)/FAST FICTION/U.S. Publishing
- Fawcett Comics
- Fox Feature Syndicate
- Fiction House
- Gilberton Publications/Elliot
- Harry “A” Chesler/Dynamic/Home Guide Publications/Magazine Press
- Harvey Comics
- Hillman Periodicals
- Holyoke Publishing Company/Et-Es-Go Mags/Continental Magazines/HELNIT Publishing Co/TEM Publishing
- Key Publications/Timor Publications/Gillmor Magazines/Stanley P. Morse/Aragon Magazines/Medal Comics/Stanmor Publications
- Magazine Enterprises (M.E.)
- Novelty Publications
- Parents Magazine Institute
- Prize Publications/Crestwood Publications/Feature Publications/Headline
- Quality Comics
- Spark Publications
- St. John Publishing
- Stanhall Publications
- Star Publications/Accepted Publications
- Sterling Comics
- Story/Merit/Master
- Superior Comics (Canadian)
- Timor Publishing Company
- Toby Press/Minoan
- Trojan Magazines
- Youthful Magazines
- Ziff-Davis
Gli universi basti su personaggi di dominio pubblico (Public Domain Based Universes ) sono:
- FemForce (AC Comics)
- Protectors (Malibu Comics) – based exclusively around characters from Centaur Publications
- Terra Obscura (America’s Best) – based exclusively around characters from Standard/Better/Nedor Publishing
- Project Superpowers (Dynamite Entertainment)
- Next Issue Project (Image Comics)
- Albion (Wildstorm) – based exclusively around characters from IPC Media and Odhams Press.
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (America’s Best/Vertigo/Top Shelf) – based around characters of late 19th and 20th century literature. More recently in 2018, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Tempest reintroduces several Gold and Silver Age British comic book superheroes.
Personaggi di dominio pubblico – Public Domain Characters
[nome del personaggio (Editore Originale)]
- Abdul Alhazred (Necromicon Author)
- Ace Harlem (All-Negro comics)
- Ace Mccoy (Ace Magazines)
- Ace of Space (Quality)
- Ace Reynolds (Ajax/Farrel)
- Achilles (Greek Myth)
- The Actor (Sterling)
- Adam Anteas Jr.( AKA the Bouncer) (Fox)
- Adventure Inc. (Progressive)
- Agent K-5 (Fox)
- Agent Q-13 (Ace Magazines)
- Agent ZX-5 (Fiction House)
- Airboy (Hillman)
- Air male and Stampy (Prize)
- Air-Sub DX (Centaur)
- Alderbarans (Nedor)
- Algie (Chesler)
- Airman (Centaur)
- Alias the Dragon (Chesler)
- Alice (In Wonderworld) (Lev Gleason)
- Allan Quatermain (????)
- Almuric (Robert E. Howard)
- Amazing Man and Amazing Boy (Centaur)
- Amazona (Fiction House)
- American Ace (Funnies Inc.)
- The American Crusader (Standard/Better/Nedor)
- American Eagle (Prize)
- The American Eagle and Eaglet (Standard/Better/Nedor)
- Angel Eyes (Fiction House)
- Ann Mason (Fiction House)
- Ant Woman (Fiction House)
- Apollo (Greek Myth/ACG)
- Ares (Greek Myth/Charlton)
- Argo (Centaur)
- Argus Inc. (Howard)
- The Arrow (Centaur)
- Atlas (??)
- Atlas the Mighty (Great)
- Atom Blake (Fawcett)
- Atom Wizard (Victory)
- Atoma (Harvey)
- Atoman (Spark)
- Atomaster (Spark)
- Atomic Man (Prize)
- Atomic Thunderbolt (Regor)
- Auro I (Fiction house)
- Auro II (Fiction House)
- The Avenger (Magazine Enterprises)
- Ayesha (Fox)
- Babe Boon (Prize)
- Balbo, The Boy Magician (Fawcett)
- Bald Eagle (Hillman)
- Banshee (Fox)
- Barghest (Nedor)
- Baron Von Gatz (Fawcett)
- Barry Finn (Centaur)
- Barry Kuda (Harry A. Chesler/Dynamic)
- Barry Lane (Lev Gleason)
- Beast (Fox)
- Beau Brummell (Fox)
- Beggarking (Nedor)
- Bentley of Scotland Yard (Archie/MLJ)
- Bert (Ace Magazines)
- Biff Banks (Quality)
- Biff Bannon (Harvey)
- Big Shot (Quality)
- Big Chief Wahoo ( Easter Color)
- Big Red Mclane (Fiction House)
- Bill Battle (Fawcett)
- Bill Colt (Hillman)
- Bill Wayne Texas Terror (Lev Gleason)
- Bird Man (Fox)
- Blackbird (Fox)
- Black Ace (Ace Magazines)
- Black Angel (Hillman)
- Black Axe (Fiction House)
- Black Barton (Nedor)
- Black Beauty (Fawcett)
- Black Bucaneer (Rural Home Inc.)
- Black Cat (Harvey)
- Black Cobra (Ajax-Farell)
- Black Cobra (Harry a. Chesler/Dynamic)
- Black Commander (Hillman)
- Black Death (Nedor)
- Black Diamond (Lev Gleason)
- Black Dragon (Lev Gleason)
- Black Dwarf (Harrry A. Chesler/Dynamic)
- Black Fury and Kid Fury (Fox)
- Black Fury (Villain) (Fox)
- Black Hood (GA MLJ version)
- Black Jack (GA MLJ Version)
- Black Kitten (Harvey)
- Black Knight (Sterling)
- Black Knight (GA MLJ Version)
- Black Lion (Fox)
- Blackout (Lev Gleason)
- Black Orchid (Consolidated)
- Black Owl (Prize)
- Black Owl II (Prize)
- Black Phantom (Magazine enterpises)
- Black Rider (Fox)
- Black Raiders (Holyoke)
- Black Satan (Chesler)
- Black Spider (Ace Magazines)
- Black Terror(Standard/Better/Nedor)
- Black Terror and Timothy (17th Century) (Nedor)
- Black Terror and Miguel of Mexico (Nedor)
- Black Venus (Aviation Press)
- Black Witch (GA MLJ version)
- Black Widow (Holyoke)
- Blackout (Lev Gleason)
- Blackout II (Holyoke)
- Black-X (Quality)
- Black Sheep Squadron (Hillman)
- Blanda the Jungle Queen (Hillman)
- Blast Bennett (Fox)
- Blaze Barton (Quality)
- Blaze Baylor (Holyoke)
- Blimpy (Quality)
- Blitz (Fox)
- Blitz Buster (Ace Magazines)
- Blue Beetle [Dan Garret I] and Sparky (Fox)
- Blue Bolt (Novelty)
- Blue Circle (Rural home Inc.)
- Blue Fire (Centaur)
- Blue Flame (Four Star Publications)
- Blue Lady (Centaur)
- Blue Rubbermen (Ace Magazines)
- Blue Spark (Ace Magazines)
- Blue Streak (Prize)
- Blue Streak II (Holyoke)
- Blue Tracer (Quality
- Blast Bennet (Fox)
- Bo Briantus (Nedor)
- Bob Phantom (GA MLJ version)
- Bob Preston (Holyoke)
- Bogeyman (Croydon)
- Bomber Burns (Hillman)
- Bombshell, Son of War (Lev Gleason)
- Boomerang (Holyoke)
- Boy King and Giant (Hillman)
- Boy Soldiers (GA MLJ version)
- Boystate (Novelty)
- Bozo the Robot (Quality Comics)
- Brain Boy (Dell)
- Brick Bat (Quality)
- Bron (Fiction House)
- Broncho Bill (United Features)
- Bronze Man (Fox)
- The Bronze Terror (Lev Gleason)
- Brother (Hillman)
- Broot (Fiction House)
- Buck Burke (Holyoke)
- Buck Johnson (Great Publications)
- Buck Johnson (Harvey)
- Buckskin Boys (Harvey)
- Buck Brady of the FBI (Prize)
- Buck Rogers (Eastern Color)
- Buck Steele (Ace Magazines)
- Bulletgirl (Fawcett)
- Bulletman (Fawcett)
- Bull’s Eye Bannon (Fiction House)
- Burma Boy (Rural Home inc.)
- Buzz Allen Invisible Avenger (Hugo Gernsback)
- Buzz Balmer (Progressive)
- Buzz Crandall (Fiction House)
- The Buzzard (Centaur)
- Buzzard Barnes (Hillman)
- Bwaani (Fox)
- Black Tarantula (Fox)
- The Cadet (Harvey)
- Caleb Ketchum (Nedor)
- Calico Kid (Magazine Enterprises)
- Camilla I (Fiction House)
- Camilla II (Fiction House)
- Captain Aero (Holyoke)
- Captain Atom (Charlton Pre-1977)
- Captain Battle (Lev Gleason)
- Captain Battle Jr. (Lev Gleason)
- Captain Colt (Harvey)
- Captain Combat (Cambridge House)
- Captain Commando (GA MLJ version)
- Captain Cookie (Swappers Quarterly)
- Captain Courageous (Ace Magazines)
- Captain Cutlass (Leading Enterprises)
- Captain Dash (Ajax-Farrel)
- Captain Fearless (Holyoke)
- Captain Fearless (Lev Gleason)
- Captain Fight (Fiction House)
- Captain Flag (GA MLJ version)
- Captain Flash (Sterling)
- Captain Flight (Ajax/Farrel)
- Captain Freedom (Harvey)
- Captain Future (Standard/Better/Nedor)
- Captain Gallant (Ace Magazines)
- Captain Glory (Chesler)
- Captain Kidd (Fox)
- Captain K.O. (Holyoke)
- Captain Midnight (Fawcett)
- Captain Milksop (Croydon)
- Captain Morgans US Rangers (Fiction House)
- Captain Morgans Sky Rangers (Fiction House)
- Captain Nazi (Fawcett)
- Captain Nemo (??)
- Captain Nippo (Ace Magazines)
- Captain Power (Croydon)
- Captain Red Blazer and Spark (Harvey)
- Captain Red Cross (Harvey)
- Captain Science (Youthful)
- Captain 3-D (Harvey)
- Captain Thunder (Fiction House)
- Captain Triumph (Quality)
- Captain Truth (Cambridge House)
- Captain Valiant (Croydon)
- Captain Venture (Fawcett)
- Captain Wings (Fiction House)
- Captain Wizard (Croydon)
- Capt. Wonder (Bell Features)
- Captain Yank (Columbia)
- Catman (Centaur)
- Cat-Man and Kitten (Holyoke)
- The Cavalier (Standard/Better/Nedor)
- Cave Girl (Magazine Enterprises)
- Champ (Harvey)
- The Chameleon (Novelty)
- The Checker (Hillman)
- Chip Collins (Fiction House)
- Chop Suey (Holyoke)
- Chuck Hardy (Centaur)
- Chute Harmon (Holyoke)
- Cinder Smith (F.E. Howard publications)
- The Circus and Sue (Centaur)
- Cisco Kid (Dell)
- The Claw (Lev Gleason)
- The Claw (Sterling)
- Clay Duncan (Harvey)
- The Cloak (Columbia)
- The Clock (Centaur, Quality)
- Cloud Curtis (Lev Gleason)
- The Clown (Ace Magazines)
- The Clown (Harvey)
- Clown (Harvey)
- Clue Catchers (Bell Features)
- Cobra Kid (Ajax-Farrell)
- The Cobra (Ace Magazines)
- Colonel Kamikaze (Fiction House)
- The Comet (GA MLJ version)
- Commandette (Cambridge House)
- Commando Cubs (Nedor)
- Commando Ranger (Fiction House)
- Commando Yank (Fawcett)
- Commander Battle (ACG)
- Commander Darke (Progressive)
- Commander Steel (Anglo-American)
- Commandette (Cambridge House)
- Congo Jack (Ace Magazines)
- Congo Lancers (Fiction House)
- Congo Raider (Howard)
- Conqueror (Hillman)
- Copperheads (Ace Magazines)
- Corpreal Flint (Ace Magazines)
- Corliss Archer (Fox)
- Cosmo Mann (Progressive)
- Count Dracula (??)
- Count Orlok (??)
- Countess Siroon (Fawcett)
- The Cougar (Ace Magazines)
- Cosmic Carson (Fox)
- Cowboy Sahib (ACG)
- Craig Carter (Centaur)
- The Crane (Hillman)
- Crash Davis (Hillman)
- Crash Kid (Rural Home Inc.)
- Creature (Charlton)
- Creature from the Black Lagoon (??)
- Crusader (Hillman)
- Crimebuster (Lev Gleason)
- Crime Crusader (Croydon)
- Crimson Abbot (Fox)
- Cub (Fox)
- Cyclone (Nita)
- Cyclone II (Quality)
- D-13 (Fox)
- Dagar, the Desert Hawk (Fox)
- Dandy (Chesler)
- Danjoe (Howard)
- Daredevil (Lev Gleason)
- Dash Dartwell (Centaur)
- David (Fox)
- Dan Dare (Fawcett)
- The Dart and Ace (Fox
- Dash Darwin (Howard)
- Dash Dixon (Hillman)
- The Deacon (Holyoke)
- Deadly Dreaded Dragon (Lev Gleason)
- Deaglos (Lev Gleason)
- Deathless Druid (Nedor)
- Death Patrol (Quality)
- Deep-Sea Dawson (Ajax/Farrel)
- Defender (Hillman)
- Defense Patrol (Fiction House)
- Detective Crane (Hugo Gernsback)
- Detective Dan Dunn (Dell)
- Demo (Tower)
- Destiny (Quality)
- Destroying Demon (Quality)
- Detecto (Centaur Comics)
- Devil Dogs (Holyoke)
- Devildogs Three (Great Publications)
- Devil of the Deep (Centaur)
- Devil’s Dagger (Fawcett)
- Diamond Jack (Fawcett)
- Diana (Holyoke)
- Diana the Huntress (Charlton)
- Dickie Dean (Lev Gleason)
- Dicky (Ace Magazines)
- Dick Cole (Novelty Press)
- Dick Hurston (Centaur)
- Dick Royce (Harry A. Chesler/Dynamic)
- Dick Star of the FBI (Progressive)
- Dirk the Demon (Centaur)
- Dirty Dalton (Magazine Enterprises)
- Doll Girl (Quality)
- Doll Man (Quality)
- Dr Frost (Prize)
- Doctor and Mac (Fiction House)
- Doctor Death I (Dell)
- Doctor Death II (Dell)
- Dr. Destine (Double A)
- Doctor Fu Manchu (Max Rohmer Character)
- Doctor Horror (Lev Gleason)
- Doctor Igor (Holyoke)
- Doctor Keats (St.John)
- Doctor Nemesis (Ace Magazines)
- Doc Strange and Mike (Standard/Better/Nedor)
- Doc Strong (GA MLJ version)
- Don Davis (Better/Standard/Nedor)
- Doll-Man (Quality)
- Domino (Fox)
- Domino Lady (Fiction House)
- Don Winslow of the Navy (Charlton)
- Don Quixote (???)
- Dorian Gray (??)
- Double-Up (Elliot)
- Downbeat (Eastern Color)
- Dracula (Bram Stoker)
- Dragon (Quality)
- Driftwood Davey (Rural Home Inc.)
- Dr.Bertoff (Novelty Press)
- Dr.Bio and his Spidermen (Better/Standard/Nedor)
- Dr.Darkness (Centaur)
- Dr.Death (Charlton)
- Dr.Dekkar (Prize)
- Dr.Diamond (Holyoke)
- Dr.Doom (Fox)
- Dr.Dracula (Lev Gleason)
- Dr.Drew (Fiction House)
- Dr.Fission (Better/Standard/Nedor)
- Dr.Fosfor (Better/Standard/Nedor)
- Dr.Frost (Centaur)
- Dr. Frost (Prize)
- Dr. Fung (Fox)
- Dr. Garcia (Holyoke)
- Dr. Grimm (Gilberton/Elliot)
- Dr.Hypno (Centaur)
- Dr. Loy (Centaur)
- Dr. Loy’s Monster (Centaur)
- Dr. Macabre (Holyoke)
- Dr. Magno (Centaur)
- Dr. Mercy (Croydon)
- Dr.Miracle (Harvey)
- Dr Mood (Fawcett)
- Dr.Mortal (Fox)
- Dr.Mystic (Centaur)
- Dr.Oxyo (Ace Magazines)
- Dr.Plasma (Hillman)
- Dr.Synthe (Centaur)
- Dr. Nemesis (Ace Comics)
- Dr. Vampire (Harry A. Chesler/Dynamic)
- Dr Watkins (Centaur)
- Dr. Wratt (Fiction House)
- The Duke (Lev Gleason)
- “Duke” Peters (Centaur)
- Duke of Darkness (Holyoke)
- Dusty the Boy Detective (GA MLJ version)
- The Dwarf (Better/Standard/Nedor)
- Dynamic Man and Dynamic Boy (Harry ‘A’ Chesler)
- Dynamic Boy II (Chesler)
- Dynamite Thor (Fox)
- Dynamo (Tower Comics)
- Dynamo (Fox)
- Dynamo Hill (Lev Gleason)
- Earl the Bunny (Hillman)
- The Eagle and Eaglet (Fox)
- Echo (Chesler)
- Edison Bell (Novelty)
- Edpo (Columbia)
- El Carim (Fawcett)
- El Tigre (Chesler)
- Electric Ray (Centaur)
- Electro Man (Hillman)
- El Kuraan (Croydon)
- Emperor Seng I (Prize)
- Enchanted Dagger (Chesler)
- Erick Rotgat (Centaur)
- The Ermine (Centaur)
- Zardi, the Eternal Man (Centaur)
- The Eye (Centaur)
- The Face (Columbia)
- Faceless Phantom (Standard/Better/Nedor)
- Fantom of the Fair (Centaur)
- Fargo Kid (Quality)
- Fate (Ace Magazines)
- Fearless Flint (Eastern Color)
- Ferret (Centaur)
- Fighting Yank (Standard/Better/Nedor)
- Fireball (GA MLJ version)
- Fibber’s Club (Nedor)
- Fire-Eater (Great Publications)
- Firefly (GA MLJ Version)
- Firebrand (Chesler)
- Firebrand (Quality)
- Firehair (Fiction House)
- Fire-Man (Centaur)
- Fishmen (Holyoke)
- The Flag (Ace Magazines)
- The Fox (Archie/MLJ)
- Flag-Man (Holyoke)
- The Flame and Flame Girl (Fox)
- Flame II (Ajax-Farrell)
- Flaming Claws (Fiction House)
- Flamingo (Aviation Press)
- Flash Lightning (Ace Magazines)
- Flip Falcon (Fox)
- Flint Baker (Fiction House)
- Fly-Man (Harvey)
- Flying Cadet (Hillman)
- Flying Dutchman (Hillman)
- Flying Fist and Bingo (Prize)
- Fantomah (Fiction House)
- The Fox (GA MLJ version)
- Four Comrades (Nedor)
- Frankenstein’s Monster (??)
- Freelance (Double A)
- Freezum (Novelty)
- Frost (Centaur)
- Fu Chang (GA MLJ version)
- Futuro (Great)
- G-2 (Quality)
- Gabby Flynn (Centaur)
- Gail Porter (Rural Home Inc.)
- Gale Allen (Fiction House)
- Gang-Buster Robinson (Fox)
- The Garroter (Nedor/Better/Standard)
- Gay Desperado (Chesler)
- Gary Morgan (Harvey)
- George Benson (Fox)
- Ghazia (Fiction House)
- Ghazia’s Mummy Army (Fiction House)
- The Ghost (Lev Gleason)
- The Ghost (Nedor)
- Ghost of Ivanhoe (Elliot)
- Ghost Woman (Cambridge House)
- The Gimp (Fox)
- Girl Commandos (Harvey)
- Gladiator (Fox)
- Glory Forbes (Fiction House)
- Golden Archer (Holyoke)
- Golden Arrow (Fawcett)
- Golden Knight (Fox)
- Golden Lad (Spark)
- Golden Girl (Spark Publications)
- Gordon Fife and the Boy King (Centaur Comics)
- Gorrila with a Human Brain (Fox)
- Great Cthulhu (Works of H.P. Lovecraft)
- The Great Voodini (Prize)
- Great Question (Centaur)
- Great Zarro (Great)
- The Green Eyed Man (Hillman)
- The Green Dragon (Lev Gleason)
- Green Ghost (Better/Standard/Nedor)
- Green Ghoul (Better/Standard/Nedor)
- Green Ghoul (GA MLJ version)
- Green Giant (Pelican Press)
- Green Knight (Harry A. Chesler/Dynamic)
- Green Lama (Prize, Spark)
- Green Light (Elliot/Gilberton)
- Green Mask & Domino (Fox)
- Green Sorceress (Novelty)
- The Grey Comet (Magazine Enterprises)
- Grim Reaper (Standard/Better/Nedor)
- Green Turtle (Rural Home Inc.)
- Gunmaster (Charlton)
- Guy Gorham (Great Publications)
- Halo (Holyoke)
- Hale of the Herald (Better/Standard/Nedor)
- Hale the Magician (Chesler)
- The Hand (Fox)
- The Hand (Harvey)
- Hangman (GA MLJ version)
- Hap Hazard (Ace Magazines)
- Harland Holland (??)
- The Hawk (Fiction House)
- Headless Horseman (??)
- Herakles (Greek Myth)
- Hercules (Quality)
- Herbie Popnecker (ACG)
- Hermann Goring (??)
- The Heap (Hillman)
- He-Man (Swappers Quarterly)
- Hermes (Greek God)
- Hip Knox (Hugo Gernsback)
- The Hood (Centaur)
- The Hood (Holyoke)
- Hooded Horsemen (ACG)
- Hoppy the Marvel Bunny (Fawcett)
- Human Meteor (Harvey)
- Hunchback (Fawcett)
- Hunchback of Notre Dame (??)
- Hunt Bowman (Fiction House)
- Hurricane Hart (Hillman)
- Hurricane Harrigan (Holyoke)
- Hurry-Up Harrigan (Ace Magazines)
- Hydroman (Eastern Color)
- Hyper the Phenomenal (Hyper)
- Hypnotist (Nedor)
- Ibis the Invincible (Charlton)
- Igor (Holyoke)
- Impossible Man (Croydon)
- Inferno (GA MLJ version)
- Inspector Bentley of Scotland Yard (GA MLJ version)
- The Invisible Hood (Quality Comics)
- The Invisible Man (??)
- Invisible Scarlett O’neil (Eastern Color)
- Invisible Terror (Chicago mail order Co.)
- Iron Ace (Hillman)
- Iron Lady (Hillman)
- Iron Maiden (Tower Comics)
- Iron Mask (Magazine enterprises)
- Iron Mask (Sterling)
- Iron Vic (United Features)
- Iron Jaw (Lev Gleason)
- Iron Skull (Centaur)
- Ivory Hunters (Fiction House)
- Jack Dale (Hillman)
- Jack of Spades (Consolidated)
- Jackie Law and the Boy Rangers (Hillman)
- Jane Arden (Eastern Color)
- Jane Drake Detective(Holyoke)
- Jaguar Man (Fox)
- Java Bean (F.E. Howard publications)
- Jaxon of the Jungle (Prize)
- Jeanie (Gem)
- Jeb Tinker (Centaur)
- Jeff Barter (Progressive)
- Jeff Waring (F.E. Howard publications)
- Jerry Morris (Lev Gleason)
- Jester (Quality)
- Jet Powers (Magazine Enterprises)
- Jill Trent (Nedor)
- Jim Cannon (Harvey)
- Jimmy Cole (Better/Standard/Nedor)
- Jinx (Lev Gleason)
- Jitters (Eastern Color)
- Joan Mason (Fox)
- John Carter, Warlord of Mars (Dell)
- Johnny Rebel (Chesler)
- Jo-Jo the Congo King (Fox)
- Judge (Enwil)
- The Judges of the Dead (Fawcett)
- Judy of the Jungle (Nedor)
- Jupiter, the Master Magician (Prize)
- Jun-gal (Rural Home)
- Jungle Demon (Fiction House)
- Jungle Lil (Fox)
- Jungle Prince (Centaur)
- Jungleman (Harvey)
- Junior Patrol (Harry A. Chesler/Dynamic)
- Just’N’Right (Quality)
- K-7 (Hillman)
- K-9 (Harry A. Chesler)
- Kalthar the Giant Man (GA MLJ version)
- Kaanga (Fiction House)
- Kangaroo Man and Bingo (Great Publications)
- Kardak the Mystic (GA MLJ version)
- Karl Von Keilman (Holyoke)
- Kay Mckay (Ace Magazines)
- Kayo Kirby (Fiction House)
- Kazanda (Fiction House)
- Ki-Gor (Fiction House)
- Kid Eternity (Quality)
- Kid Muscles (Charlton)
- Kid Terror (Ace Magazines)
- Kid Tyrant (Novelty)
- Kid Wizards (Spark)
- King Anthony (Bilbara)
- King Arthur (??)
- King Cole Jr. (Novelty Press)
- King Oleary (Special Action Comics)
- King of Beasts (Charlton)
- King of Darkness (Centaur)
- King of Futuria (Nedor)
- King Tonga (Fiction House)
- Kinks Mason (Fiction House)
- Kitty Kelly (Ajax-Farrell)
- Kismet (Elliot)
- Kona (Dell)
- Konga (Charlton)
- Koroo the Black Lion (Bilbara)
- Koth (Centaur)
- Krooga (Fox)
- Kroll Mull (Nedor)
[…] l’articolo già pubblicato il 13 agosto 2019 2 ho visto che l’argomento interessa ed è importante perché permetterebbe a tanti […]