I can See Round Corners is one of the traces of the last album produced by Eric Woolfson in 2009 that it has as title Eric Woolfson sings – The Alan Parson Project – “That Never Was”.
Amount carried over the presentation of the passage directly from site of Eric Woolfson .
<< 5. I Can See Round Corners
“The musical DANCING SHADOWS (where I wrote the music and lyrics and the distinguished dramatist Ariel Dorfman wrote the book) premiered in Seoul, Korea in 2007, winning 5 Korean Tony awards including Best Musical.This song was not originally included in that musical, but having recently completed the composition and recorded it, I realized it would make an excellent addition to the other songs in the piece as well as bearing all the hallmarks of a potential classic Project recording.
It was entirely recorded with Austin Ince at my home in London.” >>
For the one that wants to deepen here just follow the text of the passage (copy-paste by the site: http://artists.letssingit.com/eric-woolfson-lyrics-i-can-see-round-corners-pg2kshg
I can see round corners When the night is clear I can make the rain fall I can make it disappear I am passing high ground I can see for miles I can rise forever When the child of fortune smiles I can see round corners (I can see round corners) I can see for miles Climb upon a rainbow When the wind is high (When the wind is high) I can hear the grass grow I can reach and touch the sky I can walk through high walls Never knowing why (Never knowing why) Going round in circles (Going round in circle) Soaring where the eagles fly I can see round corners (I can see round corners) I can see for miles I can walk on water I can turn back time (I can turn back time) When Orion rises (When Orion rises) And the sisters three align | I can chase the North Wind Hold it in my hand (Hold it in my hand) I can make the tide turn At the call of my command I can see round corners I can see round corners I can see round corners I can see round corners ah…. ah…. ah…. ah…. ah…. ah…. ah…. ah…. I can see round corners I can see for years Through the veil of evening Till the morning star appears I can see round corners Much to my surprise I can see the future When it’s time to close my eyes Close my eyes Close my eyes When I close my weary eyes |
And finally to listen to the song and to see a video on youtube, this link is enough. It is with great pleasure that we present a miniature of the second tribute to this project that she takes sprout from the passage I can See Round Corners.
The author is Jill Singletary
Art and music have always been an important part of my life. My earliest memories are listening to music and drawing, and I’ve always enjoyed being a part of both.
I graduated from Hardin-Simmons University in 2008 with a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design and a minor in Fine Art. I currently work as a graphic designer and animator for a local graphic design company here in Abilene, Texas, USA. Another passion of mine is writing and illustrating fantasy stories. Music has had an impact on my life as well. I took piano lessons as a child and sang in choirs throughout my youth. I currently sing in my church choir and a community choir in Abilene, and I’m learning to play the guitar. All the while, however, I have enjoyed the music of the Alan Parsons Project, finding myself drawn to their music more than any other.Combining my two loves of art and music, I often illustrate scenes or images I have while listening to the Alan Parsons Project. Their music was so inspiring; the lyrics were well-written and the melodies were rich in sound. I’ve even had the pleasure of conversing with both Alan Parsons and Eric Woolfson, and I’ve worked with Alan Parsons in designing his newest Live Project tour t-shirt.
email: theacetress@gmail.comwww.AceGallagher.net
Mario B. (translation by HaÏfa Adam )
I Can See Round Corners è una delle tracce (la quinta) dell’ultimo album prodotto da Eric Woolfson nel 2009 che ha come titolo
Eric Woolfson sings – The Alan Parson Project – “That Never Was”Riporto la presentazione del brano direttamente dal sito di Eric Woolfson . << 5. I Can See Round Corners
“Il musical OMBRE DANZANTI (dove ho scritto la musica e testi e il drammaturgo distinto Ariel Dorfman ha scritto il libro) in anteprima a Seul, in Corea, nel 2007, dove ha vinto 5 Tony awards Coreani, tra cui miglior Musical.This song was not originally included in that musical, but having recently completed the composition and recorded it, I realized it would make an excellent addition to the other songs in the piece as well as bearing all the hallmarks of a potential classic Project recording.
Questa canzone non fu originariamente inclusa nel musical, ma avendo recentemente completato la composizione e la registrazione, mi sono reso conto che sarebbe un ottimo complemento alle altre canzoni e si assumeranno tutte le caratteristiche di una registrazione potenziale progetto classico. E ‘ stato interamente registrato conAustin Ince a casa mia a Londra.” >>
Per chi vuole approfondire il testo del brano, ritorni in testa a questo post .
Ed infine per ascoltare la canzone e vedere un video su youtube basta digitare questo link .
E’ con grande piacere che ospitiamo una miniatura del secondo tributo a questo progetto che prende spunto dal brano I Can See Round Corners.
L’autrice è Jill Singletary
Biografia dell’autrice:
Arte e musica sono sempre stati una parte importante della mia vita. Miei primi ricordi sono l’ascolto di musica e disegno, e mi è sempre piaciuto essere una parte di entrambi.
Mi sono laureata da Hardin-Simmons University nel 2008 con un Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design and a minor in Fine Art. Attualmente lavoro come un graphic designer e animatore per un’azienda di progettazione grafica locale qui in Abilene, Texas, USA. Un’altra passione è la scrittura e l’illustrazione di storie fantasy. La musica ha avuto un impatto sulla mia vita. Ho preso lezioni di pianoforte da bambina e ho cantato nei cori in tutta la mia giovinezza. Attualmente canto nel coro della mia chiesa ed in un coro di comunità in Abilene, e sto imparando a suonare la chitarra. Nel frattempo, tuttavia, ho goduto la musica degli Alan Parsons Project, ritrovandomi a disegnare la loro musica più di qualsiasi altra. Combinando i due amori di arte e musica, spesso infatti illustro scene o immagini che mi vengono ispirate durante l’ascolto di Alan Parsons Project. La loro musica è così stimolante; i testi sono ben scritti e le melodie sono ricchi di suono. Ho anche avuto il piacere di conversare sia con Alan Parsons sia con Eric Woolfson, ed ho lavorato con Alan Parsons nel progettare per il suo più recente progetto Live tour le t-shirt.
email: theacetress@gmail.comwww.AceGallagher.net