First guests announced for Lakes International Comic Art Festival 2021 in October – Annunciati i primi ospiti per il Lakes Festival 2021 ad Ottobre


Quarto appuntamento con le news da Kendal, del Lakes International Comic Art Festival.
Stavolta lo staff del Festival dei Laghi ci comunica i primi ospiti dell’edizione di quest’anno.

Greg Rucka (Uno dei migliori creatori di fumetti americani, i cui crediti includono Lazarus, Black Magick per Image, Stumptown di Oni Press, sceneggiatore per The Old Guard), è tra i primi di numerosi ospiti annunciati per il Lakes International Comic Art Festival, a Kendal 15-17 ottobre 2021.

Sono, inoltre, annunciati il fumettista americano Michael Lark, lo scrittore e artista canadese Jeff Lemire (Black Hammer, Snow Angels), lo scrittore Chris Condon (That Texas Blood), Rachael Smith (Doctor Who, Quarantine Comix) e i fumettisti del Guardian Martin Rowson, Nicola Jennings e Lou McKeever (alias BluLou).

Mario Benenati, curatore di Fumettomania Web Magazine

Nota bene: Quali supporter del LICAF 2021, questa preview la condividiamo immediatamente in inglese e successivamente anche della versione in Italiano.

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First guests announced for Lakes International Comic Art Festival 2021 in October

Kendal, Tuesday 6th April 2021:

Top American comic creator Greg Rucka, whose credits include Lazarus, Black Magick for Image, Stumptown from Oni Press, writer of the 2020 screenplay for The Old Guard, is among first of several announced guest for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival, returning to Kendal 15th-17th October 2021

Also announced are American comic artist Michael Lark, Canadian comics writer and artist Jeff Lemire (Black Hammer, Snow Angels), writer Chris Condon (That Texas Blood), Rachael Smith (Doctor Who, Quarantine Comix), and Guardian cartoonists Martin Rowson, Nicola Jennings and Lou McKeever (aka BluLou).

After a successful virtual Festival last year, LICAF LIVE, the team behind the Lakes has been working hard behind the scenes to bring the physical event back to Kendal in October, lining up a formidable guest list of international and British comic creators, preparing exhibitions and family-friendly events… and, of course, gearing up for the return of the world-famous Comics Clock Tower in Kendal’s town hall, a much-loved platform space for comic creators and publishers both new and established.

“We’re thrilled to be heading back to Kendal with a lively line up of comic happenings in the works,” enthuses Festival Director Julie Tait. “While we inevitably had to go digital last year, all the signs are that planning for an engaging, enjoyable physical event, in Kendal, is what both comic fans and creators are just itching for. Who are we to disagree?

“Our funding partners – the Arts Council, and local, public funders, business supporters and more – have been hugely supportive of our plans, too.”

I am incredibly excited to attend the Festival!” says Greg Rucka. “I love visiting England, and this’ll be my first time to the Lake District. Plus, getting to see the country and meet the people is always a highlight for me“.

“This’ll be my first show post pandemic (I hope!), and that makes it even more special. To be able to attend with my Lazarus co-creator Michael Lark is just icing on the cake! I’m very much looking forward to attending and participating in the Festival.”

Meet Our Guests…

• This image resource and others are also available here (Dropbox Link)

Greg Rucka photo

Greg Rucka is the bestselling and multi-award-winning author of dozens of novels, thousands of comics, and at least one motion picture. His career has allowed him to put words in the mouths of almost every major pop-culture character, from Han Solo to Wonder Woman, and his creator-owned books have earned critical and commercial acclaim.

He is the co-creator of Lazarus and Lazarus: Risen with Michael Lark; Black Magick with Nicola Scott; and The Old Guard with Leandro Fernandez, all published by Image Comics. His series Stumptown with Justin Greenwood was turned into an (unfortunately) short-lived television show starring Cobie Smulders, and The Old Guard was released on Netflix in 2020, starring Charlize Theron as Andromache “Andy” the Scythian. He lives, writes, and sleeps in Portland, Oregon, with his wife, writer Jennifer Van Meter.

Michael Lark photo

Michael Lark is the artist and co-creator of Lazarus and Lazarus: Risen from Image Comics. In his nearly thirty years in the comics industry, he has drawn many of the most iconic characters in the medium, including Spider-Man, Captain America, Daredevil, Batman, Superman, and many others.

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Jeff Lemire photo

Jeff Lemire is a New York Times bestseller and multi-award winning cartoonist and writer, published by Marvel, DC and Valiant. His work includes Essex County, Black Hammer, and Sweet Tooth, which is soon to be adapted into a Netflix series.

One of his latest projects is Black Hammer: Reborn, with art by Caitlin Yarsky (Coyote, Bliss) taking over illustrative duties from Dean Ormston, which launches in July from US publisher Dark Horse Comics.

Jeff also collaborated with celebrated musician Gord Downie on the graphic novel and album The Secret Path, which was made into an animated film in 2016.

• Web:
More about Black Hammer: Reborn

Chris Condon photo

Chris Condon is the writer of the Image Comics series That Texas Blood with artist Jacob Phillips. He was born and raised in the small New Jersey transit hub of Metuchen, a stone’s throw from the behemoth that is New York City and has devoted himself to the mythical power of storytelling from an early age.

In the second grade, he attempted to launch a cinematic remake of James Cameron’s Titanic but things soon fell apart when his seven-year-old brain could not conceptualise how to build working (and life-size) smokestacks. As stated, Chris is not a native Texan, though he does enjoy a Terry Allen tune and a good chicken fried steak. Depending on who you ask, that’s about halfway there.

Rachael Smith photo

Rachael Smith is a comics creator from the UK whose books include Wired Up WrongStand In Your PowerThe Rabbit, and Quarantine Comix. She also worked on the Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor comic series.

In 2021, Rachael will be part of the Lakes International renewed Comics Cultural Exchange, working in Prague with the Moravian Regional Library and the FRAME Festival.

• Web:

Martin Rowson photo

Martin Rowson is a multi-award-winning political cartoonist, illustrator, graphic novelist, broadcaster and poet. Over the past 4 decades his work has appeared in almost every publication you can think of apart from The Sun (they’ve never asked him). His work currently features regularly in The Guardian, The Daily Mirror, The New European, The Critic and Index on Censorship, among other places. His books include comic book adaptations of The Waste Land, The Life & Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, Gulliver’s Travels and The Communist Manifesto and, most recently, an updated version of Hans Holbein’s The Dance of Death.

His 2006 memoir about clearing out his late parents’ house, Stuff, was longlisted for that year’s Samuel Johnson Prize. In 2017 a full-page editorial in The Daily Mail, incited by one of his Guardian cartoons, described him and his work as “Sick… offensive… deranged and disgusting.”

• Web:

Nicola Jennings photo

Nicola Jennings originally trained as a theatre designer and started work designing for opera. She began caricaturing for the London Daily News in 1987, went on to work for the Daily Mirror and the Observer, and can now be seen regularly in the Guardian.

She has also produced animated cartoons for Channel 4’s A Week in Politics and drawn live on BBC2’s Midnight Hour.

• Web:

Lou McKeever (aka BlueLou) photo

Lou McKeever (aka BlueLou) is a political cartoonist who has worked on a range of publications, whose credits work for The Canary. The Guardian The Independent, TES, The Morning Star and New Statesman.

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Note per gli editori

• Lakes International Comic Art Festival 2021 : 15-17 ottobre 2021 :

I seguenti elementi sono informazioni di base sul Festival Internazionale del Fumetto dei Laghi che potresti trovare utili per altri articoli per il tuo punto vendita di notizie sulla nostra organizzazione. Li includiamo in ogni comunicato stampa a scopo informativo e per riconoscere i nostri numerosi finanziatori e principali sostenitori.

Ospiti del Festival nel 2021

Announced guests for October 2021 in Kendal so far, in alphabetical order, are Chris Condon, Nicola Jennings, Michael Lark, Jeff Lemire, Lou McKeever (aka BlueLou), Martin Rowson and Rachael Smith .

I profili di tutti gli ospiti di LICAF LIVE sono presenti qui sul sito web ufficiale del Festival

Chi siamo

Il Lakes International Comic Art Festival è l’unico nel suo genere nel Regno Unito, incentrato su eventi e progetti di fumetti presentati da una delle zone più belle del paese: il Lake District inglese, nella città mercato di Kendal. Modellato su festival in stile europeo, come Angoulême in Francia, il Festival annuale di solito occupa l’intera città per un fine settimana di fumetti ogni ottobre, ma diventerà virtuale nel 2020 con LICAF LIVE.

L’obiettivo del Festival è celebrare l’intero spettro dell’arte dei fumetti, ispirando i fan e i creatori di fumetti esistenti e, si spera, generando anche nuovo pubblico e creatori. Investe nei creatori attraverso un programma di commissioning e pone l’accento sullo sviluppo di collaborazioni internazionali.

I patroni del Festival sono i creatori di fumetti Yomi Ayeni, Kate Charlesworth, il laureato dei fumetti Stephen L. Holland, Sean Phillips, Bryan Talbot, Mary Talbot e Zoom Rockman.

Il Festival è sostenuto utilizzando finanziamenti pubblici dalla National Lottery attraverso l’ Arts Council England . È supportato da Choose Cumbria , Cumbria County Council , South Lakeland District Council e il consiglio comunale di Kendal

I nostri principali sponsor sono Lenovo , Westmorland Shopping Center , Lancaster University e Southern GFX .

I nostri soci fondatori sono il Brewery Arts Center e Kendal College , e siamo anche supportati da Australia Council for the Arts , The British Council , The Finnish Institute in London , Flanders House , Flanders Literature , Institut Français du Royaume-Uni , The Italian Cultural Institute , National Cartoonists Society e Wallonie Bruxelles International .

Riceviamo anche supporto dagli editori Fanfare Press e Knockabout Press .

Grazie anche ai nostri generosi donatori: Charlie Adlard, Lynette Adlard, Graham Dury, Peter Kessler, Bryan Talbot, Sean Phillips e Simon Thorp.

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